NOBODY’S HOME — Official Trailer (2024) is a gripping psychological thriller set for release on September 17, 2024. Directed by Michelle Bossy, the film stars Louisa Erlich, Julio Lourido, and Baize Buzan, exploring the complex dynamics between two troubled individuals, Theodora and Luca, who escape from a psychiatric hospital.
Plot Summary:
The film opens with Theodora escaping with Luca, who has just been released from a facility where they’ve both spent years. Their journey takes them to Luca’s childhood home, a place shrouded in trauma—where he witnessed the murder of his mother by his father. As tensions rise, a dead body is discovered in the house, leading Theodora to manipulate the situation by pinning the murder on Luca. The plot thickens when other characters arrive, sparking a night filled with games, deception, and escalating danger. The film masterfully delves into toxic relationships and the psychological turmoil that stems from them【93†source】【94†source】.
As the narrative unfolds, it challenges perceptions of mental health, inviting viewers to question what’s real and what’s imagined. Prepare for a wild ride filled with twists and surprises that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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